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Welcome! I'm so glad you're here and that I get to share my passion for yoga with you. Every class I teach is based in love, compassion, joy, and equanimity, which are the four keys to happiness found in verse 1.33 of The Yoga Sutras. If you are ready to deepen your practice through guidance and encouragement, I would be honored to support you on your journey.
Start Your Yoga Journey
Teaching yoga is the most rewarding gift I’ve ever received. It allows me to make positive contributions to my community and to help students find peace and calm in this crazy world.
I am traditionally non-traditional and I teach every class with the basic principles of Love, Compassion, Joy & Equanimity.
I try to be the best teacher I can be and I bring a light and a levity to every class I teach.
Employing an expression of devotion and tradition, I teach in a way that holistically inspires my students.
I am committed to honoring all of my teachers who have led me to a life devoted to the practice and teaching yoga to others.
I stand in the light of my greatest potential and invite others into their own – that is where my teaching comes from.
Practice With Me

My goal is to teach yoga in a way that opens the students to all the beautiful aspects of yoga beyond just a pose on a mat.
I teach every class based on Love, Compassion, Joy & Equanimity, which are the four keys to happiness found in verse 1.33 of The Yoga Sutras.
This keeps me open and grounded so that the teaching comes through clearly. My classes are focused, fun, and creative.

Join me for weekly tight-knit community classes &
get unlimited access to 75+ yoga & meditation sessions with me.

Practice with me online and get unlimited access to...
- 75+ Pre-Recorded Yoga & Mindfulness Classes
- New Classes Added Each Month!
- Styles Include: Vinyasa Yoga, Restorative & Yin Yoga, Beginner-Friendly Yoga, Asana Foundations,
Advanced Yoga, Pranayama, Guided Meditations, and Mindfulness Classes & Workshops - Bonus Resources & Discounts on Annual Memberships Available
"I love the cyclical nature of the asana practice. Every time you finish, you’re right back at the beginning, ready for another journey, another adventure on your mat."
- Martin Scott

what yoga
means to me...
Yoga is not just being on a mat for 60 or 90 minutes at a time. Yoga is calming the fluctuations of the mind and it is a lifelong journey to find yourself. The practice is about being present and mindful firstly with yourself then, secondly, with the world. Take it one breath at a time regardless of where you are or what you are doing.
I teach a Vinyasa style of yoga and my goal is to not only teach the asana but to also teach the whole practice. This means that I want my students to take the metaphor of the physical practice off their mat and find ways to incorporate what they learn in class and apply those principles to their daily lives.
Yogas citta
vritti nirodhah
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras Chapter 1, v2.
Translated to English this quote means “Yoga is the calming of the fluctuations of the mind.” This sutra is the essence of yoga, meaning that if one practices yoga then the mind will be calm which will bring balance.
This is especially important for everyday life given the stresses that we encounter so often – just do a little yoga and it will all be ok.
Yoga helps us chip away at all the stuff in our minds that gets in the way so that our thinking will become clear and peace can be found.
Start Your Yoga Journey

Who I am shows up in every piece of my teaching.
My classes are joyful, purposeful, and intentional. I believe in the transformative powers of regular practice and see it as a one-way ticket to freedom and happiness. I love to laugh and play while still maintaining deep focus, or drishti. Yoga makes us happy so we should enjoy the practice!
I believe that yoga is a lifelong journey that never ends. We can all do yoga in some way shape or form. The mat is the launching pad, yoga is the vehicle, and the destination is the Self. I ask my students to do their best and I remind them that their Yoga practice is a metaphor for life. When the going gets tough, just take a breath and keep your drishti. My philosophy is "It's YOUR practice.”
class schedule
Come practice with me at Folk (formerly Yoga Garden SF) or Yoga Flow in San Francisco
- 9-9:55 AM Folk Richmond
- 4:30-5:25 PM Folk NOPA
- 6:15-7:10 PM Folk Richmond
- 12-1 PM Yoga Flow Union
- 4:30-5:25 PM Folk NOPA
- 6:15-7:30 PM Yoga Flow Noe Valley
- 9-10 AM Folk Richmond
- 6:15-7:10 PM Folk Richmond
- 12-1 PM Yoga Flow Union
- 6:15-7:30 PM Yoga Flow Noe Valley
- 9-10:15 AM Yoga Flow Noe Valley
- 11 AM -12 PM Folk NOPA

"Come to the edge, he said. They said, we are afraid. Come to the edge, he said. They came. He pushed them, and they flew."
- Guillaume Apollinaire

The Four Immeasurables: Love (Maitri), Compassion (Karuna), Joy (Mudita), Equanimity (Upeksa) – four principles to apply to every action and every thought in every day.
Rooted in Love, Joy,
Compassion & Equanimity
my teacher,
Sri Dharma Mittra
I have had the joy and privilege of studying with and learning from incredible teachers.
I’ve been so blessed to study with Sri Dharma Mittra who, I feel, is the living embodiment of yoga. He has dedicated almost his whole entire life to the practice of yoga and it is such a beautiful experience to learn from him. I’ve learned from Sri Dharma, my guru, that anyone can do yoga no matter what their physical condition – there is yoga for every single one of us and it isn’t always a pose.

how it all started...
When I first discovered yoga, I was immediately hooked. I was never good at sports and I wasn’t that great at the gym either.
I always enjoyed movement and exercise but I never found the right thing for me. In 2000, yoga was just becoming mainstream and so I decided to check it out. I found a studio close to my house and I signed up for a class without any idea of what to do or expect.
I didn’t love the teacher in that first class but, I love the way I felt afterward. I figured out there were different teachers and different styles so I just kept trying classes until I found a teacher I liked then I dove in head first!
After years of regular practice, I wanted to learn more about yoga so I took the advice of my teacher and signed up for a teacher training with Sri Dharma Mittra. In 2008 I accidentally became a yoga teacher and my life has never been the same. Yoga has taught me more about myself than any other thing I’ve ever done in my life. My physical body has morphed and changed over the years, and I’ve gone on yoga retreats and practiced traditional yoga in India. But when it all comes down to it, yoga leads me to myself. And I’m so very grateful that I found yoga and yoga found me.
He looked at his own Soul with a telescope. What seemed all irregular, he saw and showed to be beautiful constellations, and he added to the consciousness hidden worlds within worlds.
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Notebooks

Martin Scott is my absolute favorite yoga teacher in the entire Universe! He is sensitive, understanding, funny, charming with a voice that makes us stay in yoga position as if you’re in nirvana land! I have practiced with Martin for many years. We should all be so lucky to encounter Martin once in our lifetime. Enjoying the yoga journey with him is life-changing!
Malin, San Francisco CA
Martin Scott is a hidden gem of a teacher and an incredible human being. His infectious spirit, kind-hearted nature, and genuine passion for yoga inspires every single one of his students to cultivate inner strength regardless of their skill level or experience. He embodies a friendly lightheartedness and teaches with love, humor, kindness and humility.
Aurora, Portland, OR
Martin’s deep knowledge of anatomy, combined with his ability to notice and gently correct posture has been extremely valuable to me. He knows it all; breath work, expertly constructed musical accompaniment & ideal sequencing for both beginning and more advanced practices. You will be very grateful to spend time with a truly gifted, talented, and hilarious teacher!
Rich, San Francisco CA

Join me August 6-14th, 2023 for a week of yoga, rest and relaxation. Come to Agealis, Greece to experience a slice of paradise!
Registration Information for My Upcoming Retreat in Greece
What is your teaching schedule?
Do you teach Zoom Classes?
Do you offer 1:1 sessions?
What's included in the online membership?
Are you hosting any upcoming retreats?
What are your favorite yoga books and resources?

Please feel free to contact me for private sessions, consultations or any other teaching inquiries at martin@martinyoga.com. I look forward to hearing from you and hope that your journey will include a lot of yoga! The practice of yoga is an ongoing process and it is never finished so enjoy the long and happy journey!
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and upcoming retreats.